Brief description of the technology solution and the added value it provides
Yesograf is an addition that improves the mechanical resistance of gypsum and plaster composites, presented as a fine powder (up to 250%), increasing termal conductivity (up to 115%) and protects buildings from electromagnetic wave sources, at zero cost. Yesograf implies the revaluation of materials and contributes to a better durabilioty of the compound in contact with water.
Description of the technological base
Yesograf is a material which adds an inert industrial waste as a fine powder and, when it is added to gypsum and plasters, mechanical resistence is improved and thermal conductivity, acoustic insulation and electromagnetic insulation are increased. Currently, it has zero cost as an additive, and it improves in a significant way gypsum based materials that commercially have low resistance.
In addition, based on these mixtures and adding sands, this solution enables to prepare mortars. These mixtures can be used in construction on site or in prefabricated materials such as gypsum boards or sandwich panels, among others.
“Addition, at zero cost, as a fine powder that improves mechanical properties and increases thermal conductivity of materials which are used for radiant solutions”
Detail of a partition with Yesograf on both sides (1), metalic or wooden strip as a structure (2) and insulation between boards (3). Preferably placed when it is dry.
Market demands
Materials technology
- It is necessary an increase in the resistance and durability of materials based gypsum or plaster used in construction.
Energy efficienty
- Since RD 235/2013 was published, the certificate of energy efficiency for buildings is required.
“Yesograf improves properties of gypsum and plaster based materials, which are a great share of this market”
Competitive advantages
- Improvement of mechanical resistance up to 250% in inorganic materils widely ised in construction suh as gypsum.
- Thermal conductivity in increased a 115%.
- Global inner termal losses can be reduced up to 8%, resulting in energy savings in buildings.
- Materials revaluation. Zero cost solution.
- Innocuous addition
- Protects buildings from electromagnetic waves sources, acting as a cover.
Previous references
- Wide experience in industrial applications development.
Intellectual property
- Patent granted in Spain [P201431878]
- International patent through PCT [PCT/ES2015/070906]
Development stage
- Concept
- R&D
- Lab Prototype
- Industrial Prototype
- Production
Contacto solución tecnológica
Nelson Flores Medina; e:
Mª Mar Barbero Barrera; e:
Rosa Bustamante Montoro; e:
Contacto UPM
Área de Innovación, Comercialización y Creación de Empresas
Centro de Apoyo a la Innovación Tecnológica – UPM