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Contact information

Address:Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte (INEF). Laboratorio de Fisiología del Esfuerzo. Martín Fierro, 7. 28040 MADRID Phone number:910677988 Website: Email:

Force Test Service


The stress test is a test assessing cardiac and respiratory response to physical exercise. It is a procedure that makes it possible to assess physical condition and the body¿s response to physical stress.

Technological Offers type

Research and innovation areas

Health and Wellbeing


Available from: 2000

Force Physiology Laboratory (FPL)

Stress test

The FPL does stress tests that include an assessment of cardiac and respiratory response to exercise, along with a detailed report of the results, which are explained by the medical team as well as the professional team of trainers.

Description of the services offered

The FPL¿s stress tests are direct tests, as they are carried out with an analysis of respiratory gases (ergo-spirometry). Moreover, during the entire assessment, cardiac response is evaluated using an electrocardiogram (ECG).

Once the test has been done, the report is given to the user and a simple explanation is given of the results obtained, from both the medical and sports point of view.

Needs requested and applications

There is currently a huge need for this service people who are starting to train as well as whose who already habitually do physical exercise. Being able to do physical exercise with guarantees of safety is a social necessity that can only be covered by cardio-respiratory assessments of exercise as a stress test.

After doing a stress test of this type, it is possible to know if the your body’s response to exercise is normal, of if there is any anomaly that should be looked at in more depth. It is also possible to know what intensity can be reached before the response is prejudicial or anomalous.


Sector or area of application

Everyone doing physical exercise, regardless of the level or experience.

Differential skills

The main differential feature of our service is care from a multi-disciplinary team that not only carries out a medical evaluation, but also a sports assessment, which highlights the main results to be taken into account when programming training.

The assessment report is also delivered as soon as the stress test is over.

Previous references for provision of services

A multitude of sports federations, sports clubs, and sports associations, etc., have used our services.

Where it is

The tests are done at the FORCE PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY (FPL) (6th floor) at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (INEF) at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

The FPL has all the equipment needed to carry out these tests: gas analysers, ECG, treadmill, and cycle ergometer, etc.

Request for service

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