FlowData takes a massive database and, out of it, generates a virtual one that is much smaller and that contains the essential information Descargar ficha
A low-cost reflectarray antenna based on liquid-crystal cells that provides beam scanning at millimeter-waves with improved reliability Descargar ficha
Design and synthesis of MIPs as patterned thin films with micro and nanoscale motifs by conventional techniques of micro and nanofabrication Descargar ficha
Reduce volume, weight and losses of power converters, designing them in the Fundamental Limit of Power Conversion to minimize their internal power processing Descargar ficha
Technologies and process-centred approach are facilitators to enable better diagnosis, treatment and management for Patients Across the Continuum of Care Descargar ficha
DecarGas enables the utilization of fossil resources without CO2 emissions in the energy and chemical industry into a H2 driven economy Descargar ficha
Precast concrete wedge-shaped block for use in ponds or embankment dams, as a protection against erosion caused by water circulation with high flow rates and…
This transmission power controller adapts the transmission power for sensors in a wireless sensor network (WSN), improving the total energy consumption of the network, while…
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