Smart city projects suited to each city. Evaluation tool for verifying the suitability of smart city projects for individual cities, whatever their needs may be.
Congruence and Emotion Detection on Open Source for Neuromarketing. Application to monitor the degree of trustfulness in spoken messages on VoIP systems for neuromarketing and…
ECOREL-UPM is a teaching and research facility in the field of maritime, coastal and port engineering whose mission is to generate new knowledge in these…
Guarantees the absence of interactions and incompatibilities between extruded polystyrene (XPS) and waterproofing materials, enlarging the life cycle of the inverted flat roof
System for detection the structural damage appearance by the elastic wave propagation monitoring in solid using a fiber optical sensor network embedded in the structure .
The combination of spreadsheets with automatic deduction techniques allows identifying common errors, working with incomplete information, solving complex problems and facilitates networking.
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