We are a group of 8 researchers from the HTS for IT Systems Engineering. We are also a part of the Software and Multimedia Systems Technologies for Sustainability Research Centre, which is a research centre aiming to foster and strengthen the R&I carried out at UPM Campus Sur.
Site card
Software and systems technology group
Structure: Research Groups
Our group has wide experience in:
- Global software development
- Software products architecture and modelling
- Software engineering innovation
- Smart energy networks and smart cities
- Global software Development
- Innovation in Software Engineering
- Smart Energy Networks and smart cities
- Software Product Architecture and modelling
The Software and systems technology group (SYST) is a research group that is deeply involved in international and national projects and also works closely with the industry. The European Union ¿ITEA and the European Space Agency (ESA)¿ framework research programmes are examples of programmes where the SYST group has the chance to work closely with different industrial and academic partners. We have also been involved in various smart energy network projects where we have contributed to defining and implementing new network architectures, dynamic evolution systems architecture and autonomous properties.
We have extensive experience in agile software development processes and we have set up a smart software factory where new software concepts, tools and components developed under a global development paradigm are validated. We have also started up an energy interoperability laboratory at our facilities.
We believe in the importance of transferring the results of our work to society and industry, and good proof of this is in the three software programs that we have developed (Flexible-PLA (FPLA) Modeling Framework, TOPENprimer, INNO) which are accessible on our group's web site.
Showing all 2 results
Software description Specific domain modelling tool enabling the innovation of a result in engineering software to be modelled, with the result being understood to be…
Software description The FPLA tool supports a theoretical concept of software architecture modelling known as Plastic Partial Components. Work was therefore carried out reviewing the…