We are a multi-disciplinary group of 24 people, experts in various scientific fields, with extensive experience in research work. The different profiles in the group include Doctorates in Sports Sciences, Doctorates in Nutrition, Doctorates in Biochemistry, Graduates in Sports Sciences, Sports doctors, Psychologists, and Laboratory Technician, etc., and we regularly host doctoral and masters students from Spain and abroad.
Site card
Nutrition, exercise and healthy lifestyle Research Group ImFINE
Structure: Research Groups
Although officially founded in 2011, the ImFINE group has been working for more than 20 years on research in the field of health, nutrition and physical exercise, based on the following lines of research:
- Interaction of healthy lifestyle factors (physical exercise and diet) on quality of life and ageing.
- Determination of biomarkers and nutritional status and their relation to pathophysiological parameters
- Sports nutrition
- Education for Health
Amongst other projects, the group has taken part/is taking part in the HELENA, Health(a)ware, HELLP, ODIN European projects and the AVENA, ANIBES, PREDIMED PLUS Spanish projects, etc.
- Determination of biomarkers and nutritional status and their relation to pathophysiological parameters
- Education for health
- Interaction of healthy lifestyle factors (physical exercise and health)
- Molecular physiology of exercise
- Processes of injury in physical activity and sport
As a whole, the team members have taken part in more than 100 research projects, in Spain, the EU and internationally, focussing on understanding obesity, nutritional status, mental and physical function as determining factors for health, specifically in adolescents and the elderly.
ImFINE is a founder member of the EXERNET Network which aims to bring together the efforts of the research groups of excellence in Spain in the field of physical activity, nutrition and health. As a representative of the Network, our group is currently taking part in Active Age, an important European project promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences to counteract the lack of physical activity in the elderly. The group is a member of CIBEROBN.
In the case of young people, the group is coordinating "Mission X Train like an astronaut" in Spain. This is an international project fostering healthy habits in schools, created by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) with the aim of showing students how astronauts live, train and eat and then being able to experience it themselves.