The group consists of six professors from the Telematic Engineering knowledge area, a Mathematics professor and a Signal Theory professor, four of whom hold doctorates and the other four are in the process of doing their Doctoral Theses. The group also has 10 researchers who are either under contract or doctoral students from Spain or abroad. Along with two other research groups at the UPM (GDEM and SYST), we have created an R&I centre, the Software and Multimedia Systems Technologies for Sustainability Research Centre (CITSEM).
Site card
Next Generation Networks and Services Group (GRyS)
Structure: Research Groups
Email: Áreas: Digital Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, 5G, Robotics
Agriculture, Forestry, Natural Resources, Land Use and Blue Growth
ODS: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Zero Hunger
The group's research work combines the following lines of research relating to Telematic Engineering:
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Ubiquitous Computing for Internet of Things
- Ubiquitous Computing for Robotics and Avionics Perception and Cognition
- Natural Interfaces and Augmented Reality
- Network Management (resilience)
- Network and Services Security
- Mathematical techniques applied to imaging, vision and CAGD problems
- Advanced Services Architectures
- Smart Cities
- Advanced Software Engineering
- Cloud and Edge Computing
- Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
- Decision Support Systems (DSS)
- Enabling Technologies for Smart Domains
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Networked Cooperative Agents (NCA)
- Networked Cooperative Robotics
- Networks and Services Security
- Wireless Sensors and Actuators Networks (WSAN)
The group's members are active participants in national and European projects relating to the development of next generation telematic networks and services.
1 ECSEL (H2020):
SWARMS (Smart and Networking UnderWAter Robots in Cooperation Meshes)
1 FP7:
3RES (ICT based Intelligent management of Integrated RES for the Smart Grid optimal operation)
ACCUS (Adaptative Cooperative Control in Urban (sub) Systems)
DEMANES (Design, Monitoring and Operation of Adaptive Networked Embedded Systems)
e-GOTHAM (Sustainable - Smart Grid Open System for THe Aggregated Control, Monitoring and Management of Energy)
AWARE (Accessible Wearable Device Platform for Smart Environments)
Showing the single result
This transmission power controller adapts the transmission power for sensors in a wireless sensor network (WSN), improving the total energy consumption of the network, while…