We are a group of researchers from the HTSE for IT Engineers at the UPM and the IMDEA Software Institute (the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Software Development Technologies).
Site card
Computational logic, Languages, Implementation and Parallelism (CLIP)
Structure: Research Groups
Email: Áreas: Digital Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, 5G, Robotics
Climate, Energy and Mobility
ODS: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
The lines of research our work is based on are as follows:
- Debugging tools, program verification and certification, including properties and functions (energy, time and memory, etc.).
- Verification and certification of smart contracts.
- Declarative and multi-paradigm language design and implementation.
- Static analysis and automated conversion of programs.
- Resource-aware parallel and distributed computation.
- Automated program parallelisation.
- Compiler optimisation, partial assessment, abstract machines, concurrence.
- Certification of mobile code
- Debugging tools and program verification
- Design and implementation of declarative and multi-paradigm languages
- Distributed and parallel computing, aware of resources
- Improved compilation, abstract machines, concurrency.
- Static Analysis and Automatic Program Transformation
The Computational logic, Languages, Implementation and Parallelism Group has been doing research work for more than 25 years on matters relating to progress with fundamentals, analysis and implementation of declarative programming languages, program verification and static debugging, efficient, easy use of parallel and distributed architectures, extension of these languages to new computational paradigms (e.g., for restrictions, with agents, mobile, etc.) and the industrial application of the research carried out to different practical fields.
The group develops the Ciao multi-paradigm programming system, which is free software under an LGPL licence, with numerous industrial and academic users internationally. The group has taken part in more than 50 European research projects, work groups, thematic networks and other international, national and industrial projects.