We are a multi-disciplinary team of 20 researchers from the HTSE for Agronomy, Food and Biosystems, HTSE for Mines and Energy, HTS of Architecture, HTS of Building and the HTS of Engineering and Communication Systems, with extensive experience in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry and various branches of Engineering. Our training enables us to carry out high quality research work in the interdisciplinary area of Complex Systems, collaborating with similar groups in the USA, South America and Europe, training doctorates from various universities and countries, facilitating their international mobility, and their integration into companies and universities. We are also a part of the Moncloa Excellence Campus in its Innovative Medicine and Materials for the Future clusters.
Site card
Complex Systems Group
Structure: Research Groups
The CSG has extensive experience in areas relating to complex systems, processing big data, non-linear dynamics and chaos, and it is strongly multi-disciplinary by nature, researching into areas as varied as physics, mathematics, optics, sociology, medicine, biology and agri-environment.
The work we do focusses on the following lines of research:
- Complex networks: Modelling and researching the behaviour of various complex systems. Mutual interactions on ecological networks, analysis of human behaviour on social networks (Twitter), mobility and economic activities. Applications for cooperation and development in agriculture.
- Big Data: Processing, analysing and modelling big data from social networks, mobile telephones, transport, in the area of health, agronomy, sensors and smart cities, etc.
- Cellular Automata: Research into discrete systems in all their parts, spatially structured and with synchronised dynamics.
- Classic and Quantum Chaos: Laws of scale and chaos analysis. Research into quantum manifestations on systems with classic chaos dynamics.
- Non-Linear Dynamics on Continuous Systems: Research into non-linear dynamics on distributed systems, such as solitons or instability phenomena, applicable to non-linear optics and complex fluids.
- Cellular automata
- Classical and quantum chaos in Hamiltonian systems
- Complex networks
- Fractal growth in biophysics
Our group continuously publishes its results in the best international scientific journals, such as Physical Review Letters and Scientific Reports, and maintains fluent collaborations with various centres in the USA (Center for Nonlinear Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, MIT, New England Complex Networks Institute, etc.). In Spain, we are a part of the thematic network DANCE (Dynamics, Non-chaotic Attractors and Stability), made up of 21 research groups from various Spanish universities, and we take active part in organising the Network's meetings. In Madrid, we work closely with various researchers at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, ICMAT, and the Autónoma, Complutense and Rey Juan Carlos Universities.
Our research is mainly funded by National Plan projects, such as the "Classic and Quantum Chaos in Hamiltonian and Complex Systems" project, and by other bodies, such as the European Commission.
Another significant aspect of the CSG is our capacity to teach Post-graduates on the Doctoral programme in Complex Systems and the Masters in Complex Systems' Physics, continuously producing Doctoral Thesis, some of which have gained the outstanding doctorate award with a special international mention, and encouraging international post-doctorates at the centres where we collaborate. We have also taken part in organising International Conferences, Summer Schools and outreach activities such as Science Week and Researchers' Night.