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Potentiostat-galvanostat with current booster and impedance measurement module
Fuel Cells, Hydrogen Technology and Alternative Engines
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales
Equipamiento científico-Tecnológico
Manager: Teresa J. Leo Mena
Autolab® PGSTAT128N potentiostat-galvanostat with additional BOOSTER10A and SCAN250 modules.
Development and manufacture of fuel cell components.
The Autolab® PGSTAT128N potentiostat-galvanostat is designed for a wide range of electrochemical applications, from corrosion measurement to the characterisation of energy storage devices, fuel cells, voltammetry, etc. The BOOSTER10A module allows the maximum value of the current produced by the potentiostat to be increased to 10 A. That feature makes it possible to carry out electrochemical measurements in both direct and alternating current on large-area electrodes and electrochemical impedance measurements in fuel cells, and also to determine the polarisation curve of fuel cells. The SCAN250 electrochemical impedance module allows accurate measurements to be performed on processes that exhibit very fast transient behaviour, as in the case of hydrogen adsorption.
Measurements to characterise fuel cell electrodes.
Manufacture of fuel cells.