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Platform for measuring environmental variables and the thermo-hygrometric behaviour of buildings
Bioclimatic Architecture in a sustainable environment - ABIO
Arquitectura Bioclimática en un entorno sostenible (ABIO), Departamento de Construcción y Tecnología Arquitectónicas (DCTA), Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura (ETSAM).
Infraestructura Científica
Manager: Javier Neila
Complete platform for measuring thermo-hygrometric variables and electricity consumption, consisting of the following equipment: · 2 portable devices for measuring and storing humidity and temperature data (TESTOSTOR 171-3). · 3 data recorders for long-term measurement and multi-channel temperature and humidity measurement (TESTO 177-H1) · 4 recording devices with dual temperature control, with an internal sensor and a connection for an external temperature probe (TESTO 175-T2) · 1 humidity and temperature data recorder with two channels and internal sensors (TESTO 175-H2) · 1 measuring device for humidity, heat-transfer coefficient (U-value), equilibrium moisture content of materials and the pressure dew point in compressed air systems (TESTO 635-1). · 1 thermographic camera for non-contact temperature measurement, which detects the infrared energy emitted, transmitted or reflected by all materials at temperatures higher than absolute zero (0° Kelvin) and converts the energy factor into a temperature reading or thermogram (FLIR E30 BX). · 1 smart energy manager that shows total energy consumption in real time and calculates the daily, weekly or monthly cost, with three wireless sensor sockets making it possible to establish the individual consumption of any electrical device (ENVI-R de CURRENT COST). · ENERGOBOX gateway for the wireless interconnection and management of 30 sensors (light, water, gas, temperature and humidity) and communication with an online visualisation and storage platform for data received from an Energovision SKU 601175 display screen, a GasSense transmitter for gas meter measurements and an 80A single-phase transmitter + 80A SKU 600815 mini sensor for electricity consumption.
Health, Bioclimatic architecture (green building), Hygrothermal comfort, Well-being, Energy saving
The platform allows the measurement, storage and advanced visualisation of environmental and thermal-hygrometric parameters, in order to configure healthy spaces aimed at individuals suffering from some form of disease and at the public in general.
The platform and its different devices are used for academic work and research projects.