Site card
Milagros Bonilla Chemistry Laboratory
Materials and Environmental Technology
ETSI de Caminos, Canales y Puertos - Edificio Retiro, Grupo de Investigación Tecnología de Materiales y Medio Ambiente.
Infraestructura Científica
Manager: María Ángeles Quijano Nieto
The laboratory has diverse instrumentation for chemical analysis, such as: Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES); High efficiency liquid chromatography pump coupled to atomic fluorescence spectrometer-hydride generation (HPLC-HG-AFS); Ion chromatograph with conductivity detector; Microwave oven for mineralization and extraction; Focused ultrasound probe. In addition to the MilliQ purified and Ultrapure water production system; safety cabinets for chemical products (organic reagents, acids and bases); centrifuge; vibratory mill; analytical balance; fume hood; colorimeters, pH-meters, stove, muffle, rotary evaporator, etc.
Environmental Chemistry, Materials Chemistry
Chemical analysis of environmental samples and materials.
In this laboratory, ICP-OES analyzes of metals and some non-metals in environmental samples and materials (total and extractable contents in aqueous media) are carried out nowadays. Also, arsenic speciation analyzes in biological and environmental samples by HPLC (ion exchange) coupled to HG-AFS, are performed, allowing differentiation between water-soluble inorganic and organic species. On the other hand, a part of the laboratory is dedicated to teaching activities, such as lab practices in Chemistry and Environment subjects.
This laboratory is suitable for carrying out basic research experiments, as well as analyzes in support of other types of research.