Site card
Mechanical properties characterisation laboratory
Laser Centre
90A.00.104.4 y 90A.00.094.0, Centro Láser
Infraestructura Científica
Manager: Carlos Molpeceres
The mechanical properties characterisation laboratory has equipment for wear and corrosion, a micro hardness tester, equipment for measuring residual stress and a mechanical testing machine. It also has an ultrasonic bath, cutters, a polisher and a furnace for processing parts. Autolab PGSTAT 128N corrosion analysis equipment: a modular, low-current potentiostat-galvanostat capable of measuring a maximum of 800 mA, with a voltage of 12 V. An MT/30/NI/LIN microtest tribometer. SMT-A/0100: specific equipment for analysing wear by means of pin-on-disc and reciprocating testing (standards ASTM-G99 and DIN 50324). SINT Technology automated equipment for determining residual stresses (hole-drilling system). A 100 kN, model 318.10 MTS test frame with lifting cylinders and oleo-hydraulic breaks for the moving crosshead, including a built-in actuator and load cell. A system for data acquisition and conditioning in fatigue testing. An MXT 30 Matsuzawa Seiki Co. Ltd. micro hardness tester.
Materials engineering, materials processing, micro-manufacturing and nano-manufacturing.
Electrochemical methods are used to determine the mechanisms and speed of corrosion. It makes it possible to produce potentiodynamic and galvanostatic curves, as well as perform open circuit potential measurements, cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance measurements. A tribometer is used to measure the friction and wear between two surfaces. It can operate dry, in a lubricating medium or in controlled atmosphere conditions. The measurement of residual stress using the hole-drilling method is based on altering the equilibrium of the stress state by making an orifice and measuring the deformation with an electronic extensometer. The universal testing systems make it possible to apply a load to samples and determine the yield strength in tensile tests and their fatigue life by submitting the sample to load cycles. The micro hardness testers make it possible to determine the hardness of a sample by measuring the indent left by a point with different loads.
It is currently used to characterise the mechanical properties of laser-processed samples; it allows the changes occurring to be analysed and makes it possible to parameterise new laser processes. It is used mainly in the aeronautics, automotive and energy industries.
Studying mechanical properties and determining their useful life (corrosion, wear, fatigue, etc.) is essential for any new technological development, in order to ensure the durability and functionality of the materials. That is why it is important in different sectors of industrial interest, including energy, the automotive industry, aerospace, the maritime sector and biomedicine.