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Luminometer (Varioskan)
Centre for Biotechnology and Plant Genomics, CBPG
Sala 209 (Segunda Planta) del edificio principal del CBGP (UPM-INIA)
Equipamiento científico-Tecnológico
Manager: Miguel Ángel Torres Lacruz
This is a multi-mode plate reader, which, in this format, allows absorbance, fluorescence and luminescence measurements to be performed.
Plate reader.
It allows rapid measurements of fluorescence, luminescence and absorbance (UV-vis) to be performed on plates of various formats (optimal for 96-well plates) in a short space of time. It can be used to measure proteins, nucleic acids and other molecules, to carry out cell testing, kinetics, etc.
Performing spot measurements or fluorescence (with different excitation/detection wavelengths), luminescence and absorbance kinetics. It has two injectors for adding substrates/inductors.
It is a very sensitive instrument and must be handled with care by staff members who know how it works.