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Luminometer - 2 (Varioskan)
Centre for Biotechnology and Plant Genomics, CBPG
Sala S30 (Planta sótano) del edificio principal del CBGP (UPM-INIA)
Equipamiento científico-Tecnológico
Manager: Miguel Ángel Torres Lacruz
This is a multi-mode plate reader, which allows fluorescence, luminescence and absorbance measurements to be performed rapidly.
Plate reader.
It allows very fast and consistent fluorescence measurements to be performed on plates of various formats (mainly 24-well plates for cells grown on round coverslips) in a short space of time, e.g. to detect marked molecules.
Pre-screening in immunofluorescence experiments (simple or double stained), in order to select positive samples with a fluorescence signal for subsequent observation and examination under the confocal microscope.
This equipment forms part of the Biosciences Microscopy Platform of the Community of Madrid Laboratory and Infrastructure Network (Laboratory 390).
It is a very sensitive instrument and must be handled with care by staff members who know how it works.