Site card
'Luis Ruano' Hydraulic Experimentation Facility
Hydroinformatics and Water Management
Ejea de los Caballeros, Zaragoza
Infraestructura Científica
Manager: Rafael Morán Moya
Onsite hydraulic facility for testing erosion protection under prototype conditions
Hydraulic Engineering
This is a facility consisting of a chute that allows the testing of erosion protection technologies against overtopping with large water flow rates and high flow velocities.
Facility recently used in the PABLO research project of the National R&D Plan to test protections with precast concrete wedge-shaped blocks
Protection of dams against overtopping to improve hydrological dam safety caused by increasing flood threats caused by climate change.
Facility with active use permit to the ETSI de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, received from the Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro, ACUAES and the Comunidad de Regantes. Its use is restricted depending on the availability of water during the irrigation season and requires permits to be requested in each particular case.