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¿César Gómez Campo¿ UPM Plant Germ Plasm Bank
Biodiversity and conservation of plant genetic resources
E.T.S. de Ingeniería Agronómica Alimentaria y de Biosistemas
Infraestructura Científica
Manager: Santiago Moreno Vázquez
BGV-UPM is a unique facility located in the Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering Technical School, whose mission as a member of the collections network of the National Phytogenetic Resources Programme is to contribute to the conservation of Spanish genetic resources and provide a service, free of charge at present, to the national and international scientific community and to companies that require its material, under the provisions of royal decrees 429/2020 and 124/2017. Set up in 1966, the bank became a global pioneer in the conservation of wild species. Its most renowned collection internationally is, without doubt, the wild crucifer collection, with almost 500 species and more than 1,500 specimens, thought to be the largest in the world. Many of those species have added value because of their relationship with cultivated species of brassica. A second collection, which is also well renowned, is that of endemic species of the Iberian peninsula, the Balearic Islands and the Macaronesia region, which includes the Canary Islands. It includes around 300 endemic species, which represents approximately 25% of Spain¿s endemic flora. Its management is currently delegated by the Rector of the Plant Biotechnology-Biology Department to the Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering Technical School (ETSIAAB). The research group involved is: Biodiversity and Conservation of Phytogenetic Resources.
Conservation of phytogenetic resources, improvement of plant genetics
Its mission as a member of the collections network of the National Phytogenetic Resources Programme is to contribute to the conservation of Spanish genetic resources and provide a service, free of charge at present, to the national and international scientific community and to companies that require its material, under the provisions of royal decrees 429/2020 and 124/2017.
Its mission as a member of the collections network of the National Phytogenetic Resources Programme is to contribute to the conservation of Spanish genetic resources and provide a service, free of charge at present, to the national and international scientific community and to companies that require its material, under the provisions of royal decrees 429/2020 and 124/2017.
The first germ plasm bank in the world specialising in the conservation of wild species.