Site card
AB200 laser microprocessing system
Laser Centre
Equipamiento científico-Tecnológico
Manager: Carlos Molpeceres Álvarez
AB200 laser microprocessing system. UV ns/ps (quasi-CW). Laser systems: Spectra-Physics Pulseo DPSS Nd:YVO4 1 Hz-400 kHz 20 W @ 100 kHz pulse-width < 20 ns. Six-DOF positioning system. TTL vision system . Fix lens head. Scanner head. XYZ linear stages rotation and tilt stages. Spectra-Physics Vanguard DPSS Nd:YVO4 80 MHz Power 2.5 W pulse-width < 10 ps. Six-DOF positioning system. TTL vision system. Fixed lens head. Scanner head. XYZ linear stages rotation and tilt stages.
Laser micro-manufacturing
Laser microprocessor system with (ns- and -ps) pulsed UV sources to minimise thermal effects during processing. It has a processing head with a fixed lens and scanner and precision axes to ensure micrometric precision.
System used for processing materials with micrometric precision. Applications in photovoltaics, micro-manufacturing, surface texturing, etc.