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Address:ETSIDI - UPM, Ronda de Valencia, 3, 28012, Madrid Phone number:910677400 Website: Email:


The stool easy to assemble, store and highly resistant.

Technological Offers type

Research and innovation areas

Industry, Materials and Circular Economy


Available from: 2020

Brief description of the technology solution and the added value it provides

BRISVI is made from just a sheet of cardboard or other similar material, which appropriately bended and folded reaches its definitive form. The stool is formed by ruled and developable surfaces; the body of the stool is formed by a developable surface called convoluted; the seat of the stool by a cylindrical, and thus developable, surface; the base of the stool is flat, with elliptic or circular shape; and the internal stiffeners of the stool are also flat surfaces. 

BRISVI is easy to store and distribute (it takes up very little space in its form of a sheet), lightweight, easy to assemble, resistant and cheap (little material, low-priced and easily produced). It is useful in the events in which it is necessary to have a variable number of seating places as reserve.

Description of the technological base

The body and the seat of the stool are sorted out by curved, continuous surfaces. These surfaces must be developable, so than we can produce (and then, supply and sell) it from a unique surface.

The flat sheet of cardboard (or other material with similar characteristics) is produced by die-cutting and marking it. The pre-cutting, folding and bending lines are made with the same die.

The sheet of cardboard (or other material with similar characteristics) is pre-cutting in order that the shapes forming the future stool can be easily separated. 


“The stool is formed by complex, continuous and developable curved surfaces (it is form from a flat surface)”


Market demands

  • The demand of ephemera articles oriented the production of domestic objects is growing in all sectors. Furniture sector is not an exception

  • The supply of all types of cardboard furniture (chairs, tables, shelves, etc.) has increased over the last few years. Nonetheless, in the present proposals for these type of furnitures, the design aspects are often neglected, being provided just rudimentary solutions that do not exploit the full potential of this material.

Competitive advantages

  • Cheap y easy to produce.

  • Lightweight and easy to assemble.

  • Resistant.

  • Easy to store and distribute; it take up very little space before being bending.

  • Greater resistance is achieved by using lesser quantity of material with regard to the other model that are already available on the market, with the consequent financial savings.

“Stool easy to assemble, store and distribute, lightweight, resistant and cheap”


Development stage

  • Concept
  • Research
  • Lab prototype
  • Industrial prototype
  • Production


Contacto BRISVI

Pablo Bris Marino; e:

Contacto UPM

Área de Innovación, Comercialización y Creación de Empresas

Centro de Apoyo a la Innovación Tecnológica – UPM 
