This paper is focused on the estimation of total attenuation under non-rainy conditions at 100 GHz and 300 GHz. With this purpose, a variety of yearly meteorological data from Madrid, including radiosoundings, SYNOP observations and non-cosite rain gauge, have been used both to calculate attenuation due to atmospheric gases and clouds, and to introduce a rain detection method. This method allows to filter out rain events and refine the statistics of total attenuation under the scenarios considered. Finally, yearly cumulative distributions have been computed using non-discarded events. It is expected that the behavior of the statistics would be closest to the ones obtained by experimental techniques under same conditions. | |
Si |
Nombre congreso
ESA Workshop on Radiowave Propagation |
Tipo de participación
960 |
Lugar del congreso
ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands |
Si |
Fecha inicio congreso
30/11/2011 |
Fecha fin congreso
02/12/2011 |
Desde la página
1 |
Hasta la página
8 |
Título de las actas
Proceedings of ESA Workshop on Radiowave Propagation 2011 |