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- Resultados y actividad
Situación actual
Grupo de investigacion
Dinámica y estabilidad no lineal en ingeniería aeroespacial
Departamento Universitario
Titular Universidad
Temáticas más frecuentes
Tramos de docencia
Último concedido: 2021
Tramos de investigación
Último concedido: 2022
Nº Documentos
Nº Citas
January 2025
January 2025
Europe PMC
January 2025
January 2025
Google Scholar
January 2025
Porcentaje en Q1
Porcentaje en D1
Indexada en
Publicaciones en Altmetrics
Publicaciones en redes sociales: 0 / 74
Porcentaje: 0.00%
Puntuación: 0
Puntuación media:
0 / 74 = 0.000
Proyectos I+D+i
Asignatura / Curso
Grupos, Redes
Colaboración institucional últimos 5 años
Resultados y actividad
Búsquedas activas (0)
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Proyectos de Innovacion Docente1 |
Proyectos I+D+I y Ayudas11 |
Publicaciones105 |
Trabajos presentados en Congresos u Otros Eventos34 |
No data73 |
Q152 |
Q26 |
Q32 |
Q418 |
2 circular-cylinders1 |
3-dimensional boundary-layers1 |
3-dimensional coherent structures2 |
3-dimensional separation1 |
absolute1 |
Actual flight1 |
Actuators2 |
Adaptive reduced order model1 |
Adjoint solution1 |
Advection-diffusion problems1 |
Aerial vehicle1 |
aerodynamic coefficients1 |
Aeroelastic analysis1 |
Aeroelastic flutter1 |
Aeroelastic modes1 |
Aeroelasticity1 |
aerospace1 |
Aerospace1 |
aerospace engineering1 |
Aerospace engineering1 |
Aerospace medicine1 |
Affordable and clean energy1 |
Air1 |
Air navigation1 |
Air quality1 |
Airborne virus1 |
Aircraft control1 |
airfoil1 |
Airfoil1 |
Algorithm1 |
Algorithms2 |
Animals1 |
Antennas1 |
Application programs1 |
Arma1 |
Array of cylinders1 |
Article1 |
artificial intelligence1 |
Artificial intelligence2 |
Artificial intelligence learning1 |
artificial neural-networks1 |
Atmospheric boundary-layer1 |
Attachment-line1 |
Auto encoders1 |
Aviation3 |
Axisymmetric zero-net-mass flux jet1 |
Backward-facing step1 |
Bifurcations1 |
Big data1 |
Bingham fluid1 |
Biosensing techniques1 |
biosensor1 |
Biosensor1 |
Blasius boundary-layer1 |
Blood1 |
Blood flow1 |
Blood vessels1 |
Body2 |
border1 |
Boundary prediction1 |
Boundary-layer1 |
buildings1 |
Cardiac cine mri1 |
Cardiac flow1 |
Cardiac pathology recognition1 |
Cartesian grid method1 |
Cavity flows1 |
Cfd3 |
Channel flow1 |
Chaotic time-series1 |
Circular cylinders2 |
Circular-cylinder3 |
circular-cylinder1 |
Classical theory1 |
classification2 |
Classification1 |
Climate action2 |
Clustering algorithms1 |
Coherent structure2 |
Coherent structures3 |
coherent structures2 |
Combustion instabilities1 |
Competence1 |
Complex dynamics1 |
complex flows1 |
Complex flows1 |
Complex ginzburg landau-equation1 |
Complex ginzburg-landau equation2 |
Complex ginzburg–landau equation2 |
Complex networks1 |
Computational fluid1 |
Computational fluid dynamics1 |
Computational fluid mechanics1 |
Computational time1 |
computationally-efficient1 |
Computer aided software engineering1 |
Computer simulation1 |
Concentric jets1 |
Confined square cylinder wake1 |
Conjugate heat transfer1 |
Connections1 |
Control planning1 |
Control system synthesis1 |
Controlled drug delivery1 |
Convolution1 |
Convolutional neural network1 |
convolutional neural networks1 |
Convolutional neural networks3 |
Coronavirus1 |
Criterion2 |
Cross flows1 |
Cross-flow2 |
Cross-flow turbine1 |
Crystal microbalance sensor1 |
cylinder2 |
Cylinder3 |
Cylinder wake3 |
Cylinders (shapes)1 |
Data analysis3 |
Data driven4 |
Data driven reduced order model1 |
Data driven reduced order models1 |
Data forecasting2 |
Data forecasting in wind turbines1 |
Data handling1 |
Data processing methods1 |
Data reconstruction1 |
Data reduction3 |
Data repairing1 |
Data science2 |
data synchronization1 |
Data synchronization1 |
Data-driven methods10 |
data-driven methods2 |
Data-driven rom1 |
Database systems1 |
Decomposition4 |
decomposition1 |
Decomposition algorithm2 |
Deep learnin1 |
Deep learning7 |
deep learning2 |
deep learning architectures1 |
Deep learning architectures1 |
Deep neural networks1 |
Deep-learning1 |
Delayed snapshots1 |
Design1 |
Detached-eddy simulation1 |
Dg1 |
Difference-methods1 |
Different geometry1 |
Direct numerical simulation1 |
direct numerical simulations1 |
direct numerical-simulation1 |
Direct numerical-simulation3 |
Direct solution1 |
Direct-numerical-simulation1 |
discarding variables1 |
Discontinuous galerkin2 |
Discontinuous galerkin method2 |
Diseases1 |
Dispersion1 |
Dispersion-diffusion analysis1 |
Dissipative systems1 |
Dmd11 |
Double concentric jets1 |
Drag reduction2 |
Droplets1 |
Dynamic1 |
dynamic adaptive chemistry1 |
Dynamic mode decomposition6 |
Dynamic mode decomposition (dmd)2 |
Dynamic mode decompositions4 |
Dynamic-mode decomposition19 |
dynamic-mode decomposition1 |
Dynamical systems2 |
dynamics3 |
Dynamics3 |
E criterion n1 |
E(n) criterion1 |
echocardiography1 |
Echocardiography1 |
Echocardiography imaging1 |
Eigensolution analysis2 |
Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions1 |
Elastic behaviour1 |
Elastic turbulences1 |
Elastic waves1 |
Element1 |
Empirical mode decomposition (emd)1 |
Energy transitions1 |
Environmental monitoring1 |
Equations2 |
eu1 |
Evaporation1 |
Evolution3 |
excited combustion instabilities1 |
Experiments2 |
Far-wake1 |
Fda nozzle1 |
Feature detection1 |
Female1 |
field1 |
Field1 |
Finite difference method1 |
Finite volume methods1 |
Finite-difference approximations2 |
Finite-element-method1 |
Fixed wings1 |
Flames1 |
Flight control1 |
Flight control systems1 |
Flight flutter testing1 |
Flight test1 |
Flight test data1 |
Flo1 |
Floquet stability analysis1 |
Flow7 |
flow3 |
Flow around circular cylinder1 |
Flow condition1 |
Flow control2 |
Flow data1 |
Flow fields1 |
Flow instabilities2 |
Flow of air1 |
Flow patterns1 |
Flow prediction1 |
Flow properties1 |
Flow separation1 |
Flow structure2 |
Flow structures7 |
Flow topology4 |
Flow-control1 |
Flow-pattern1 |
Flows1 |
flows1 |
Fluid dynamics8 |
fluid dynamics3 |
Fluid mechanics2 |
Fluid-dynamics3 |
Fluid-flow1 |
Fluid-structure interaction1 |
Fluids1 |
Flutter1 |
Flutter (aerodynamics)2 |
Flutter testing1 |
Flux reconstruction2 |
Forecasting1 |
Forecasting models1 |
Fourier-analysis1 |
Frequency lock-in1 |
Fundamental frequencies2 |
Galerkin methods1 |
Gappy1 |
gas1 |
Geometry1 |
Global instability2 |
Global linear flow instability analysis1 |
Global linear instability1 |
Gnc1 |
Group theory1 |
Guidance navigation and controls1 |
heart1 |
Heart2 |
Heat transfer1 |
Heat-transfer1 |
Hemisphere-cylinder2 |
heteroclinic cycles1 |
High order discontinuous galerkin2 |
High order dynamic mode decomposition3 |
High weissenberg number1 |
High-dimensional1 |
High-fidelity2 |
high-fidelity les1 |
High-fidelity les1 |
High-order1 |
High-order dynamics4 |
High-order finite difference method1 |
High-order finite-differences1 |
High-order methods1 |
Higher order dynamic mode decomposition12 |
higher order dynamic mode decomposition4 |
Higher order dynamic mode decomposition (hodmd)1 |
higher order singular value decomposition1 |
Higher order singular value decomposition1 |
Higher-dimensional1 |
higher-order dynamic mode decomposition1 |
Higher-order dynamic mode decomposition2 |
Higher-order dynamics6 |
Hodmd12 |
hodmd2 |
Hosvd1 |
Human1 |
Humans3 |
Humidity1 |
Hydrodynamics1 |
Hypertrophy1 |
identification1 |
Identification3 |
Image processing, computer-assisted1 |
Image recognition1 |
Immersed boundary method1 |
Implicit1 |
Imputation1 |
Incompressible flows1 |
Indoor space1 |
Industry, innovation and infrastructure1 |
Insights1 |
Instability7 |
instability1 |
Instability analysis2 |
Interference1 |
interpolation2 |
Interpolation1 |
Intrusion detection1 |
Italy1 |
Iterative methods1 |
Jacobian matrices1 |
Jacobian-free newton-krylov1 |
Jellyfish1 |
jet1 |
jet flames1 |
Jetflows1 |
Kinetic theory1 |
Koopman analysis1 |
Koopman modes2 |
Koopman operator2 |
laminar1 |
laminar flow1 |
Laminar flow2 |
Large eddy simulation1 |
Large scale systems1 |
Large-eddy simulation1 |
large-eddy simulation1 |
Large-scale eigenvalue problems1 |
Layer1 |
Learning algorithms1 |
Learning architectures1 |
Learning models1 |
Learning systems4 |
Left ventricle model1 |
Light detection and ranging (lidar)1 |
Linear instability characteristics1 |
Linear stability analysis2 |
Linear stability theory1 |
Linear-stability1 |
Low order algorithms1 |
Low reynolds number1 |
Low reynolds-numbers1 |
Low-order model1 |
Low-reynolds number1 |
Machine learning6 |
machine learning2 |
Machine-learning1 |
machine-learning methods1 |
Machine-learning methods1 |
machines1 |
Magnetic resonance imaging1 |
Magnetic resonance imaging, cine1 |
Main frequency1 |
Major clinical study1 |
Male1 |
Manifold1 |
Manual interaction1 |
Mathematics1 |
Matrix factorization1 |
Maximum energy growth1 |
Mean square error1 |
Mechanism1 |
medical imaging1 |
Medical imaging1 |
Mice1 |
Modal decomposition5 |
Modal decompositions2 |
modal decompositions1 |
Mode decomposition4 |
Model free1 |
model-reduction1 |
Models1 |
Motion planning1 |
Motion-planning1 |
motivation1 |
Mr1 |
Multi-body1 |
Multi-body configuration1 |
Multiphase flow1 |
Multiple linear regression analysis1 |
Myocardial infarction1 |
Natural frequencies2 |
Navier-stokes equations2 |
need1 |
Network architecture1 |
networks1 |
Neural network architecture1 |
neural networks1 |
Neural networks1 |
Neural-network1 |
Neural-networks2 |
New applications2 |
Newtonian solvents1 |
Newtonians1 |
No mostrar56 |
Non linear2 |
non-intrusive inspection1 |
Non-intrusive inspection1 |
Non-linear coupling1 |
Non-linear mode decomposition1 |
Non-modal analysis2 |
Nonlinear coupling1 |
Nonlinear dynamical sys-tems1 |
Nonlinear dynamical systems3 |
Nonlinear flow1 |
Nonlinear instability1 |
Nonlinear mode1 |
Nonlinear stability1 |
nose1 |
Novel devices1 |
Novel methods1 |
Numerical methods2 |
Numerical models1 |
numerical-simulation1 |
Oblique1 |
Obstacles1 |
obstacles2 |
Odour analysis1 |
Offshore oil well production1 |
Offshore wind turbines1 |
Open source software1 |
Open systems1 |
Open-source software1 |
Open-source softwares1 |
Optimal vortex1 |
Optimization1 |
order2 |
Orthogonal modal1 |
Orthogonal sets1 |
Parallel1 |
Parallel flow1 |
Parallel solution1 |
particle image velocimetry1 |
Particle image velocimetry1 |
Particle paths1 |
Pattern identification1 |
Patterns2 |
Patterns identification1 |
pde surrogates2 |
Pde surrogates2 |
Periodic and quasi-periodic attractors1 |
Personal computers1 |
Personal protective equipment1 |
Physical mechanism1 |
Physical phenomena1 |
Planar jets1 |
Plate boundary-layer1 |
Po1 |
Pod8 |
pod3 |
Point1 |
Poiseuille flow1 |
Pollen1 |
pollutant dispersion1 |
Pollutant dispersions1 |
Polymers1 |
Post-processing1 |
Prediction3 |
pressure sensitive paint1 |
Pressure sensitive paint1 |
Preventive measures1 |
Principal component analysis7 |
principal component analysis1 |
principles of flight1 |
Principles of flight1 |
prism1 |
Probabilistics1 |
Procedures1 |
Proper orthogonal decomposition5 |
proper orthogonal decomposition2 |
Proper orthogonal decomposition (pod)1 |
Proper orthogonal decompositions1 |
Protective clothing1 |
Quality education1 |
Quasi-periodic1 |
Quasi-periodic attractors1 |
Quasiperiodic dynamics1 |
Radiography1 |
reacting flows1 |
Reacting flows2 |
Receptivity1 |
Reconstruction3 |
Rectangular duct1 |
Recurrent neural-networks1 |
Reduced order model6 |
Reduced order model (rom)1 |
Reduced order modelling2 |
Reduced order models7 |
reduced order models1 |
Reduced-order model4 |
Reduced-order models1 |
Reduction3 |
Regression model1 |
Reinforcement learning1 |
Reinforcement learnings1 |
Repair2 |
Resolution enhancement1 |
Resolvent analysis1 |
Reynold number1 |
Reynolds number3 |
Reynolds-numbers1 |
Robustness (control systems)1 |
Root mean squared error1 |
Rotating machinery1 |
Schemes1 |
Secondary instability1 |
securitisation1 |
security1 |
Security1 |
selection1 |
sensitivity1 |
Separation1 |
shadowgraph1 |
Shadowgraph1 |
Shear flow2 |
Shear layer instability1 |
Shock boundary layer interaction1 |
shock-separation features1 |
Shock-separation features1 |
Simulation4 |
Simulations2 |
Singular value decomposition3 |
singular value decomposition1 |
Singular-value decomposition1 |
Small amplitude1 |
Small amplitude perturbations1 |
Soft computing4 |
Software testing1 |
Solver1 |
Sparse linear algebra1 |
Spatial direction1 |
Spatial discretizations1 |
Spatio temporal2 |
Spatio-temporal1 |
Spatio-temporal dynamics1 |
Spatio-temporal koopman decomposition2 |
spatio-temporal koopman decomposition1 |
Spatio-temporal structures1 |
Spatiotemporal analysis1 |
spectral proper orthogonal decomposition1 |
Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition1 |
Spectral-analysis2 |
Spectral/hp methods1 |
Spectroscopy1 |
Sphere1 |
Spread of disease1 |
square cylinder1 |
Stability5 |
stability2 |
Stability analysis4 |
stability analysis1 |
stall1 |
stem degree1 |
Stem degree1 |
Stkd3 |
Stochastic estimation1 |
Stokes1 |
Structural dynamics1 |
Structural sensitivity2 |
Structure identification1 |
Summation1 |
supersonic flows1 |
Supersonic flows1 |
Svd1 |
Synthetic jet2 |
Synthetic jets4 |
synthetic jets1 |
Synthetic models1 |
system1 |
Systems4 |
Systems-driven1 |
Tandem cylinders1 |
Technology1 |
Temporal extrapolation from spatio-temporal databases1 |
Temporal flow1 |
Testing data1 |
Thermal convection in spherical shells2 |
Thermal field1 |
Three dimensional computer graphics1 |
Three dimensional instability1 |
three-dimensional cylinder1 |
Three-dimensional cylinder1 |
Three-dimensional flow1 |
three-dimensional flow reconstruction1 |
Three-dimensional flow reconstruction1 |
Three-dimensional reconstruction2 |
Time integration1 |
Time integration, implicit1 |
Time series analysis1 |
Time-series1 |
Topology patterns1 |
Tortuosity1 |
Transient1 |
Transient dynamics1 |
Transition2 |
Transition prediction1 |
Transition to turbulence1 |
Transitional regimes1 |
Transmissions1 |
transport1 |
Transport1 |
Transport properties1 |
Traveling waves1 |
traveling-waves1 |
Trend1 |
Tumors1 |
Turbulence10 |
turbulence3 |
Turbulence flow1 |
Turbulence modelling1 |
turbulence models1 |
Turbulence simulation1 |
Turbulent boundary layers1 |
Turbulent flow3 |
turbulent flows2 |
Turbulent flows2 |
Turbulent wake1 |
turbulent-boundary-layers2 |
Two dimensional field1 |
Two dimensional flow fields1 |
Two dimensional plane1 |
Two-dimensional1 |
Two-dimensional cylinder2 |
two-phase flow1 |
Two-phase flow1 |
Ua1 |
Uav1 |
Unmanned aerial vehicles (uav)1 |
unsteadiness1 |
Urban environments1 |
urban flow1 |
Urban flow1 |
Urban flows1 |
Urban pollutions1 |
variational autoencoders1 |
Variational autoencoders1 |
varimax rotation1 |
Varimax rotation1 |
Vehicle control1 |
Velocity1 |
Velocity field1 |
Velocity fluctuations1 |
Ventilation1 |
ventricle1 |
Vertical axis wind turbine1 |
Virus transmission1 |
Viscoelasticity1 |
Vision transformer1 |
Vision transformers1 |
Visual servoing1 |
Volume penalization1 |
vortex1 |
Vortex2 |
vortex dynamics1 |
Vortex dynamics1 |
Wake5 |
wake3 |
Wake interaction1 |
Wake interactions1 |
wake structures1 |
Wakes6 |
wakes1 |
wall1 |
Wall1 |
Weather2 |
Wind turbines5 |
wind-tunnel1 |
X-ray1 |
X-ray machine1 |
Zero-net-mass-flux1 |
Zero-net-mass-flux jet1 |
20251 |
202413 |
202316 |
202222 |
20218 |
202010 |
201914 |
201819 |
201728 |
20161 |
20155 |
20142 |
20133 |
20123 |
20116 |
Reference | Date | ||
Md | Mejoras del rendimiento aerodinámico de alas mediante control de mecanismos de inestabilidad globalGÓMEZ CARRASCO, FRANCISCO (Participante); LIU, QIONG (Participante); LE CLAINCHE MARTINEZ, SOLEDAD (Participante); RODRIGUEZ SEVILLANO, ANGEL ANTONIO (Participante); HERMANNS, MIGUEL (Participante); PEREZ PEREZ, JOSE MIGUEL (Participante); GANDIA AGUERA, FERNANDO (Participante); GOMEZ BLANCO, RAFAEL (Participante); CUERNO REJADO, CRISTINA (Participante); RODRIGUEZ ALVAREZ, Daniel (Participante); THEOFILIS, Vassilios (Investigador principal (IP))Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO/SEIDI); Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Plan NacionalTRA2012-34148 | 2013 | |
UP | Nuevas herramientas y modelos para predecir la progresión de la enfermedad cardíaca y la respuesta al tratamientoIAN HETHERINGTON, ASHTON (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); SOLE MIRO, POL (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); BELL NAVAS, ANDRES (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); LAZPITA SUINAGA, ENEKO (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); MARTINEZ CARRASCAL, JON (Participante); FERRER VACCAREZZA, ESTEBAN (Participante); PEREZ PEREZ, JOSE MIGUEL (Participante); CORROCHANO CALCERRADA, ADRIAN (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); SAAVEDRA LAGO, LAURA (Participante); ABADIA HEREDIA, SANTOS RODRIGO (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); GARICANO MENA, JESUS (Investigador principal (IP)); LE CLAINCHE MARTINEZ, SOLEDAD (Investigador principal (IP))Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN); Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P) / Fundac. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III; Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P) / Fundac. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN); Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Plan Estatal 2021-2023TED2021-129774B-C21 | 2022 | |
Md | Mecanometabolismo de la insuficiencia cardiaca asociada a la edad - CardioAgingGARICANO MENA, JESUS (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); CORROCHANO CALCERRADA, ADRIAN (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); LE CLAINCHE MARTINEZ, SOLEDAD (Investigador principal (IP))Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN); Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN); Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P) / Fundac. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III; Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P) / Fundac. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III; Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Gregorio Marañón; HEALTH IN CODE S.L; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN); Plan Estatal 2021-2023PLEC2022-009235 | 2022 | |
UP | Gemelos digitales para mejorar el rendimiento aerodinámico de aeronaves y el diagnóstico de dañosPEREZ PEREZ, JOSE MIGUEL (Participante); MARTIN BAUTISTA, JUAN ANGEL (Participante); PENA RODRIGUEZ, MANUEL (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); CORROCHANO CALCERRADA, ADRIAN (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); RAPUN BANZO, MARIA LUISA (Investigador principal (IP)); LE CLAINCHE MARTINEZ, SOLEDAD (Investigador principal (IP))Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Plan Nacional–Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Plan Estatal 2021-2023PID2023-147790OB-I00 | 2024 | |
Md | Nuevas herramientas y modelos fiables para el diseño y la evaluación de aeronaves eficientesABADIA HEREDIA, SANTOS RODRIGO (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); MARTIN BAUTISTA, JUAN ANGEL (Participante); Ramos Casado, Gemma (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); Rosti NA, Marco Edoardo (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); Corrochano Calcerrada, Adrián (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); Abadía Heredia, Santos Rodrigo (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); Le Louer NA, Frederique (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); Carrillo Pousa, Graciano (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); Parente NA, Alessandro (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); Vinuesa NA, Ricardo (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); Muñoz Delgado, Sergio (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); RAPUN BANZO, MARIA LUISA (Investigador principal (IP)); LE CLAINCHE MARTINEZ, SOLEDAD (Investigador principal (IP)); SAAVEDRA LAGO, LAURA (Participante); PEREZ PEREZ, JOSE MIGUEL (Participante); PENA RODRIGUEZ, MANUEL (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); PLACINTA, CLAUDIU CONSTANTIN (Miembro del equipo de trabajo); CORROCHANO CALCERRADA, ADRIAN (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN); Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; ACCENTURE SL; KTH Royal Institute of Technology; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN); Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology School Corporation Gako Hojin; Universite de Technologie de Compiegne; Université Libre de Bruxelles; Plan Estatal 2017-2020PID2020-114173RB-I00 | 2021 | |
UP | AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE INSIGHTS FROM SURVEILLANCE DATALE CLAINCHE MARTINEZ, SOLEDAD (Investigador principal (IP))Universidad Politécnica de Madrid P2414120292 | 2024 | |
13 | Higher Order Dynamic Mode Decomposition and Its ApplicationsVega JM; Clainche SL 1-3049780128197431 | 2020 | |
NN | Advanced High-Order Simulation Methods for Industrial ApplicationsLASKOWSKI, WOJCIECH JACEK (Becario/a); JOSHI, SAUMITRA VINAY (Becario/a); NTOUKAS, GERASIMOS (Becario/a); LE CLAINCHE MARTINEZ, SOLEDAD (Participante); FERRER VACCAREZZA, ESTEBAN (Investigador principal (IP)); VALERO SANCHEZ, EUSEBIO (Participante); MANZANERO TORRICO, JUAN (Participante); RUBIO CALZADO, GONZALO (Participante)NUME - Numerical Mechanics Application International; MCLAREN RACING LIMITED; DYSON TECHNOLOGY LIMITED; AIRBUS DEFENCE AND SPACE SA; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Comisión Europea; H2020813605 | 2019 | |
CN | ENabling sustainable COmbustion technologies using hybrid physics-based Data-driven modelINGPILLAI, PRAJITH (Participante); LE CLAINCHE MARTINEZ, SOLEDAD (Investigador principal (IP))Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Comisión Europea; CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE; RWTH Aachen University - Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen ; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Université Libre de Bruxelles; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; AGC GLASS EUROPE SA; Comisión Europea; AIR LIQUIDE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES SA; AIR LIQUIDE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES SA; ARCELORMITTAL MAIZIERES RESEARCH SA; CFD Direct Limited; Université Libre de Bruxelles; Comisión Europea; Université Libre de Bruxelles; COMMUNAUTE UNIVERSITES ET ETABLISSEMENTS NORMANDIE UNIVERSITE; COMMUNAUTE UNIVERSITES ET ETABLISSEMENTS NORMANDIE UNIVERSITE; CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE; Convergent Science GmbH; Convergent Science GmbH; LAVISION GMBH; LAVISION GMBH; MITIS; MITIS; NUOVO PIGNONE TECNOLOGIE SRL; NUOVO PIGNONE TECNOLOGIE SRL; RWTH Aachen University - Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen ; TENOVA SPA; TENOVA SPA; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II; Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II; WARMEPROZESSTECHNIK GMBH; WARMEPROZESSTECHNIK GMBH; Horizon Europe101072779 | 2023 |
Mostrando 1 a 10 de 151 registros