Politécnica de Madrid

Evaluation of the Library

Plan to improve the Library Services

The evaluation process for the Library of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, which commences within the framework of the Institutional Program for Quality of the UPM, culminates, documentally speaking, with this Improvement Plan. Work has been carried out in seven wide-ranging areas of improvement from which different tasks are developed which have to be carried out from September 2007 to the end of 2010. It must not be forgotten that these tasks are the beginning of a process of continuous improvement, which must remain a constant in the management of the service provided by the Library to the University Community, not to mention its role in society. By this, we mean that continuous improvement must be an attitude that informs the daily routine of the Library at all levels.
The working methodology that has been followed was necessary to be outside the more transversal and possible participative bearing in mind that the objective, in both the setting up and carrying out of this Improvement Plan, involves all of the Library staff and serves to respond to the needs that the users demand from this University service.