Web Engineering
Official Degree | Web Engineering |
Web | https://miw.etsisi.upm.es/ |
Area | Information and Communication Technologies |
Modality | On-campus education |
Credits | 60 ECTS |
Languages | Spanish |
Orientation | Academia |
Places | 30 |
Contact | Fco. Javier Gil Rubio 910673563 miw.etsisi@upm.es |
Presentation | This Master Program in Web Engineering is intended to be the next step forward for specialization for those graduate students in Computer Science Engineering, Computer Engineering and Software Engineering. In fact, Web Engineering is one of the most demanded professional profiles by companies operating in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Society. In fact: According to the report on “job profile” by the Career-space Consortium Measurement, the fastest growing ICT job positions are software engineers, analysts and programmers. Career-space is a consortium formed by eleven of the biggest European companies related to ICT activities. Moreover, Career-space cooperates with more than twenty universities and technological institutions all around Europe. At the national scope, reports from PAFET III & PAFET IV and the Directory of the Economic Activity Units of the Institute of Statistics of the Community of Madrid underline the steady growth of the ICT sector throughout the last years. Studies about first employment and labour circumstances of the graduate students of our Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid-UPM), claim that the 43% of those surveyed systematically receive professional training at their current jobs. Moreover, master program studies represent for graduate students the next step in their academic education. |
Interuniversity | No |
Observations | Weekend group (FdS): Friday (16:00 to 21:00) and Saturday (9:00 to 14:00) |