Politécnica de Madrid

Urban and Territorial Planning - Speciality in Urban Studies

Official Degree Urban and Territorial Planning - Speciality in Urban Studies
Web https://duyot.aq.upm.es/master/muput
Area Architecture and Building
Modality On-campus education
Credits 60 ECTS
Languages Spanish
Orientation Academia
Places 30
Contact Esther Higueras Garcia

This Master program substitutes the current Official Masters Urban and Territory Planning that makes up part of the Official Postgraduate Program in Architecture of DUyOT of the ETSAM. This Official Masters that previously substituted the Masters Degree in Urban Planning, was given during the 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 academic years. It is therefore a line of training with an accredited trajectory and a growing acceptance in the academic and professional world, as a symbol of the evolution of the demand for enrolment and the growing implication of public bodies and companies both private and public in the program. The program offers two options: a professional path through the Urban Planning specialty and a research path through the Urban Studies specialty.

The Urban Studies specialty sets out a specific access itinerary for the research period organised by the PhD student. As it is the same as the third cycle training period, the proposed Degree substitutes the current "Peripheries, Sustainability and Urban Vitality" PhD Program, which is also in great demand and enjoys a wide ranging international recognition.

The master focuses on problem analysis and identification of current urban dynamics, taking into account the two fundamental dimensions of urban life today: one, the globalization process and, secondly, the requirements of territorial, economic and social sustainability. In this sense, the economic viability of large urban developments and their metabolism are compared with older models, so that the study of techniques for planning and management will add new guidelines that seek to respond to the demands of complexity and sustainability in urban areas.

In the pre-registration stage the applicant must include CV and a motivation letter.

Interuniversity No