Physical Activity and Sports Sciences
Official Degree | Physical Activity and Sports Sciences |
Web | |
Area | Sports Science |
Modality | On-campus education |
Languages | Spanish |
Places | 35 |
Contact | Amelia Ferro 910677811 |
Presentation | Traditionally, the formation of investigators has been an aspect something forgotten by the different administrations. The field of the Sciences of the Sport has not been an exception, it has also been subjected to the lack of specialized investigating formation. Nevertheless, exist in the society of our days very few fields of the sciences that have suffered a process of renovation similar that the Sciences of the Physical Activity and Sports. On the other hand, due to the vertiginous process of normative change caused by the R.D. 1393/2007, is necessary to elaborate new adjusted proposals to the one mentioned normative, the present Master comes from (origin) the Official Máster integrated in the program Post-degree in Sciences of the Physical Activity and of the Sports (R.D. 56/2005) that has begun its development in the academic course 07/08 and actually presents a great demand level for students of diverse origin. The University Master of Investigation in Sciences of the Physical Activity and sports with the foreseen guarantees of quality, will be a Program of national and international reference, it has born in order to developing investigating professionals specialized in this sector, and to be at the same time a previous step for the formation of Ph degrees qualifieds in this field of the science. The proposed Master, therefore, it is of scientific and investigating relevance, also having specialized academic relevance, necessary to form new investigators. By way of example some of the competitions are presented that, as regards investigation the students will be able to reach: Development of the basic instrumental abilities for the oral communication and written in a scientific mark, being able to expose reflections, ideas and conclusions in a synthetic way in front diverse publics. Capacity to apply the acquired knowledge and to solve problems in different environments related with the field of the physical activity and sports. Capacity to communicate and to be related in a scientific environment in the English language. The Master in Sciences of the Physical Activity and Sports, consists of 60 ECTS, of which 22 correspond to the Module I of obligatory subjects related with the foundations of the investigation. In the Module II 78 ECTS is offered in optional subjects related with the different environments characteristic of the sciences of the physical activity and sports and its corresponding investigation lines, of which the students should study 18 ECTS. Lastly, the students should carry out a research work (end of Master) with a load of 20 ECTS. |
Interuniversity | No |
Observations | The Faculty of Sciences of the Physical Activity and Sports has 4 laboratories dedicated to the investigation and: Laboratory of Physical Activity and of the Sport Physiology of the Exercise Biomechanics Biochemistry |