MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2021

If you are looking for funding to develop your research career, apply for an individual fellowship with the UPM

Join us and submit your Marie Curie PF proposal with UPM

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid wishes to attract talented, ambitious and experienced researchers at the post-doctoral level for applying Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Postdoctoral Fellowship:

  • European Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • Global Postdoctoral Fellowships
Express your interest and find your UPM supervisor

The projects submitted under the Postdoctoral Fellowships must be framed in any scientific and technological research area developed at the UPM.

For experienced researchers who are not yet in relation with UPM supervisors, the following areas include information about several UPM supervisors that have expressed their interests to host MSCA experienced researchers in their research group. If you are interested in one expression of interest (frequently updated), please contact them directly.

If you are a UPM supervisor interested in publishing an expression of interest, please complete the following template and send it back to us.

Do you need a UPM supervisor? Choose an area of research

MSCA PF Writing Days Training 

UPM organizes, every year, MSCA PF Writing Days to support experienced researchers to prepare and submit a MSCA IF proposal. Lectures are delivered in English.

All experienced researchers proposals are supported by the International Projects Office. Moreover, during these Writing Days, the 10 best MSCA projects are selected by an international consultant. The selection is done through an interview based on the idea and the individual motivation for a personal proposal review.


2021 Writing Days


Contact at UPM: Susana Negrete


Sesión informativa “Apoyo en UPM a las Postdoctoral Fellowships dentro las Acciones Marie Sklodowska-Curie”

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