The aim of this work was to test the effects of particle size of barley and alfalfa hay on jejunal histology and mucin dynamics in fattening rabbits. The basal diet contained 27.5% alfalfa hay, 24.0% barley, 19.9% sunflower meal and 15.0% sugar beet pulp. There were 4 treatments arranged in a factorial structure 2 × 2 with grinding (coarse, 4.5 mm vs. fine, 1.5 mm) and ingredient (barley vs. alfalfa hay) as main effects. Percentage of large particles (>0.315 mm) ranged from 48.8 to 54.1% DM as diets contained finely or coarsely ground ingredients. Thirty-two rabbits (8 rabbits/treatment) were fed these diets from weaning (35 d; 877 ± 81 SD g BW) to slaughter (46 d; 1430 ± 180 SD g BW). Villi height decreased by 13.1% when rabbits received the diet containing alfalfa hay ground coarsely (704 vs. 612 ¿m; P < 0.05). Moreover, rabbits fed diets including coarse alfalfa hay had deeper crypts (121 vs. 92.1 ¿m; P < 0.05) and lower villus to crypt ratios (5.08 vs. 7.66; P < 0.001) compared with those fed the diets based on fine alfalfa hay. An increase in crude mucin excretion (from 12.6 to 21.7 g DM; P < 0.01) was observed in rabbits fed the coarse barley diet when alfalfa hay was ground coarsely. Nitrogen concentration in crude mucin excreted was unaffected by treatment (4.00% DM on average). In parallel with results for crude mucin, an increase in sialic acid excretion (from 43.2 to 72.2 mg; P < 0.01) was observed in rabbits fed the coarse barley diet when alfalfa hay was also ground coarsely. The present work determines a mean value of 4.45 g N/kg DMI for endogenous ileal nitrogen flow in growing rabbits when results of both crude mucin excretion and its N content are considered. In conclusion, the diet containing coarsely ground barley (4.5 mm) and finely ground alfalfa hay (1.5 mm) slightly enhanced jejunal mucosa morphology and decreased ileal crude mucin excretion. | |
Si |
Nombre congreso
99th Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting |
Tipo de participación
960 |
Lugar del congreso
Denver |
No |
0-8134-2929-3 |
Fecha inicio congreso
11/07/2010 |
Fecha fin congreso
15/07/2010 |
Desde la página
653 |
Hasta la página
653 |
Título de las actas
Poultry Science, 89 (1): 653 |