Very few works report the effect of litter on rabbits microflora and their mortality rate. However, the proportion of variance of productive traits explained by litter ranges from 24.5 to 62.6 %. Thorough disinfection in farms has also been proved to be a useful strategy to prevent outbreaks of Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy (ERE) and the proliferation of bacterium Clostridium perfringens. Thus, this work aims to estimate the effect of litter and environment on young rabbit mortality due to ERE and C. perfringens concentration in caecal contents, throughout two consecutive fattening periods. In the first period, the mortality rate was 2.97 % whereas in the second one, it rose up to 12.2 % (P < 0.0001). This increase was parallel to an increment in air concentration of spores of C. perfringens (56000 vs 300000). Litter accounted for 57.5 and 47.0 % of mortality variance in each period. It did not appear to exist a relation between litter mortality rate and the concentration of spores of C. perfringens in the nest nor with C. perfringens colonies count in the soft faeces of the mother. C. perfringens concentration in caecal contents was positively related to the observation of clinical signs of ERE, which mostly appear around the 14th day after weaning, irrespective of the date the latter occured. As a conclusion, rabbits of the same litter should always be distributed across treatments to avoid the possible effect of litter. | |
No |
Nombre congreso
XIII Jornadas Sobre Producción Animal AIDA |
Tipo de participación
960 |
Lugar del congreso
Zaragoza |
Si |
978-84-613-2311-1 |
Fecha inicio congreso
12/05/2009 |
Fecha fin congreso
13/05/2009 |
Desde la página
191 |
Hasta la página
193 |
Título de las actas
XIII Jornadas Sobre Producción Animal AIDA. M. Joy, J. H. Calvo, C. Calvete, M. A. Latorre, I. Casasús, A. Bernués, B. Panea, A. Sanz, J. Balcells (Eds.). |