The results of two tunnel face stability laboratory tests, considering partial collapse and employing a small-scale model at single gravity, are presented. The tunnel is modeled by a rigid cylinder and the collapse of the face is triggered by the retraction of a piston that supports the soil. Both the collapse of the tunnel face and the deformation of the surface are studied. Dry sand with two different relative densities (loose and dense) is employed. By means of the low-cost Structure from Motion photogrammetric technique, a precise threedimensional model of the material surface is obtained; consequently, it is possible to reproduce the surface settlements during test execution. Results presented herein are primarily focused on the shape of the settlement troughs for loose and dense sand, and on the capability of the Structure from Motion technique for this type of analysis. Additionally, the relationship between the collapse of the tunnel face and the surface settlement is studied. Results show that surface deformations before the activation of the collapse mechanism are small, and mainly depend on the relative density of the material. | |
Si |
Nombre congreso
ECSMGE-2019: XVII European Conference on. Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering |
Tipo de participación
960 |
Lugar del congreso
Reykjavik (Islandia) |
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978-9935-9436-1-3 |
Fecha inicio congreso
01/09/2019 |
Fecha fin congreso
06/09/2019 |
Desde la página
1 |
Hasta la página
8 |
Título de las actas
Proceedings of 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering |