High-speed-impact performance of composites of naval relevance is an important issue for analysing the reliability of components of battle ships produced with composite materials that may be subjected to impulsive loads in extreme conditions of temperature and aggressive environments. This paper presents preliminary results of a wide experimental-research program aiming to determine the response and failure of fibre-reinforced-polymer composites of naval relevance under high-speed impact in extreme environments. Six different materials have been produced, namely S-2 glass, carbon, mateglass and hybrid glass/carbon woven-fabric-reinforced-vinyl-ester-matrix composites. The production method is by infusion of resin into a vacuum mould. Impact tests have been carried out by shooting steel balls at speeds in the range of 200-600 m/s, approximately, by means of a compressed-gas gun. Impact velocities and residual velocities were measured by means of a high-speed camera and the corresponding software. Impact tests have been performed at room temperature -25oC- as well as at low temperature - -50 ?C- and high temperature -+50 ?C-. The whole experimental program has been repeated by testing specimens previously conditioned by immersion in seawater up to saturation, aiming to analyse the influence of the aggressive environment on the performance of composites under high-speed impact. The experimental results, residual-velocity-vs-impact-velocity curves and ballistic limits (impact velocity for 50% probability of target perforation), show no significant differences in the performance of all materials tested, although the best behaviour is observed in non-mixed hybrid glass/carbon reinforcement. On the other hand, saturated specimens show a slightly better behaviour except for low temperatures. Experimental results are compared with predictions of a new analytical model, previously developed by the authors. A good concordance is observed, showing that the analytical model may be a useful tool for predicting the response and failure of fibre-reinforced-polymer composites under impact of different threats (fragments, bullets, etc.). | |
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Título de la revista
Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design |
2520-8179 |
Factor de impacto JCR
Información de impacto
10.1007/s41939-018-0035-7 |
Número de revista
Desde la página
1 |
Hasta la página
11 |