Memorias de investigación
Agricultural Markets Instability Revisiting the Recent Food Crises

Áreas de investigación
  • Economía agraria

scope and objectives ULYSSES will assess the literature on prices volatility of food, feed and non-food commodities. It will also attempt to determine the causes of markets' volatility, identifying the drivers and factors causing markets volatility. Projections for supply shocks, demand changes and climate change impacts on agricultural production will be performed to assess the likelihood of more volatile markets. ULYSSES is concerned also about the impact of markets' volatility in the food supply chain in the EU and in developing countries, analysing traditional and new instruments to manage price risks. It also evaluate impacts on households in the EU and developing countries. Results will help the consortium draw policy-relevant conclusions that help the EU define market management strategies within the CAP after 2013 and inform EU?s standing in the international context. ULYSSES - Understanding and coping with food markets voLatilitY towards more Stable World and EU food SystEmS The literature published in the last 3 years trying to explain agricultural markets instability during 2007-2009 offers inconclusive results about its causes and impacts. On balance, available scientific evidence gives insufficient guidance for prioritizing policy initiatives, and for effectively averting and mitigating new food crises. Based on an integrated approach, Project ULYSSES seeks to provide general, but sufficiently detailed, responses to the main questions that have been recently posed in the literature and debated in political sphere: What are the causes of markets? volatility increases since 2007; What drivers are volatility-increasing and which others are price level-increasing; How likely is that the main commodity markets will experience new episodes of large volatility; To what extent increasing volatility affects agents in the value chain; What are the actual impacts on the most vulnerable households in the EU and in selected developing countries; What policies are more effective to avert and mitigate the effects of markets? volatility at the EU and international levels
Edición del Libro
Editorial del Libro
Routledge Taylor & Francis
Número de páginas del libro

Esta actividad pertenece a memorias de investigación

  • Editor: Alberto Garrido Colmenero UPM
  • Editor: Berhard Brümmer
  • Editor: Robert M'Barek
  • Editor: Miranda P.M. Neuwissen
  • Editor: Cristian Morales-Opazo

Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Economía Agraria y Gestión de los Recursos Naturales
  • Centro o Instituto I+D+i: Centro de Estudios e Investigación para la Gestión de Riesgos Agrarios Medioambientales (CEIGRAM). Centro Mixto UPM-AGROMUTUA-ENESA
  • Departamento: Economía Agraria, Estadística y Gestión de Empresas