tTitanium (Ti) and titanium alloys are among the most-commonly used metallic materials for implantationin the human body for the purpose of replacing hard tissue. Although Ti and its alloys are widely usedfor such an aim, in implants of a long duration they exhibit some shortcomings due to the loosening ofthe very implant. This phenomenon is highly dependent on the interaction between the organic tissuesand the surface of the implant. In this study, the authors introduce a surface treatment technique forfunctionalization of the surface of Ti-6Al-4V alloy with amino groups that could help to control thisinteraction. The functionalized layer was deposited by activated vapor silanization (AVS), which has beenproven as a reliable and robust technique with other materials. The resulting biofunctional layers werecharacterized by atomic force microscopy and fluorescence microscopy, with the optimal conditions forthe deposition of a homogeneous film with a high density of amino groups being determined. Additionally,the non-toxic nature and stability of the biofunctional layer were confirmed by cell culturing. The resultsshow the formation of a homogeneous biofunctional amine layer on Ti-6Al-4V alloy that may be used asa platform for the subsequent covalent immobilization of proteins or other biomolecules. | |
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Título de la revista
Applied Surface Science |
0169-4332 |
Factor de impacto JCR
2,538 |
Información de impacto
Datos JCR del año 2013 |
10.1016 |
Número de revista
387 |
Desde la página
652 |
Hasta la página
660 |