The objective of this paper is to explore knowledge bases and to analyze existing body of the emerging literature of diffusion of eco-innovations. This may help to understand cognitive characteristics of the diffusion of eco-innovations literature and as well as to define main streams. The methodology applied is based on a semi-quantitative literature review involving three steps: firstly, we identify the keywords, as a cluster of synonyms, and extract the database from Google Scholar; secondly, we make a quantitative analysis on the database (core contributors, journals, citations, share of publications); and finally, we identify the main research approaches or streams of the field. | |
Si |
Nombre congreso
22nd International Conference on Management of Technology |
Tipo de participación
960 |
Lugar del congreso
Porto Alegre (Brazil) |
Si |
978-84-695-7485-0 |
Fecha inicio congreso
14/04/2013 |
Fecha fin congreso
18/04/2013 |
Desde la página
334 |
Hasta la página
342 |
Título de las actas
Science, Technology and Innovation in the Emerging Market Economies |